Superius of "Christ est mon Dieu", a contrafact version of Lassus' "Bonjour mon coeur", as published by Simon Goulart in Calvinist Geneva in Thresor de musique d'Orlande de Lassus from 1576.© Brussels, Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albert I.
Tenor of "Change mon coeur", a contrafact version of De Castro's "Bonjour mon coeur", from Premier livre du meslange des pseaumes et cantiques a trois parties , Goulart, [Genève], 1577.© Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Music collection. Apart from the Premier livre Simon Goulart also edited the Second livre du meslange des pseaumes et cantiques a trois parties (1577) including contrafacts of Lassus and De Castro. For both volumes he seems to have drawn mainly from De Castro's extended chanson anthology of 1574, La fleur des chansons: out of the seventeen chansons sprituelles which comprise the Premier livre thirteen chansons can be found in La fleur; out of the twenty-one from the Second livre nineteen were taken from La fleur.